Impromptu Events/Runs
The purpose of this page is to facilitate Impromptu Events/Runs (eg outings involving one or more vehicles under Club membership) for current financial members of the Heritage Truck Assoc. Aust. Inc. Please ensure that your use of vehicle fits within the TMR SIVS guidelines.
Your Impromptu Event or Run must comply with the following elements:
- involves an invitation to wider Club members to attend the event, and is either
- endorsed in advance of the event by the Club, or,
- where it exists, complies with published Club guidelines as to what is a valid event, and
- is listed either in the Heritage Hauler magazine, on the website events calendar, and/or social media page prior to the event.
To submit your event or run please download the HTAA Impromptu Event Application here.
Once completed this can be emailed to no later than 48 hours prior to the event.
An email will be sent back with the authorisation to use the SIVS registered vehicle for the requested purpose. You should print off a copy for yourself and all other Heritage Truck Assoc. Aust. Inc SIVS vehicles (only) on the event. After authorisation, it will be posted on the web site Events page calendar and/or social media page.
All Heritage Truck Assoc. Aust. Inc (SIVS) members are to carry the authorisation form with them for the event/run. It is also recommended that you carry your Club membership card with you on any Club event as proof that you are a member of a recognised club, which is a requirement of retaining your SIVS registration.
The Club is not responsible for any incidents that may occur on the Impromptu Event/run. We are simply providing a platform for our Members to submit their Impromptu Event to comply with the Department of Main Roads Special Interest Vehicle Concession Scheme.
This Authorization is for Heritage Truck Assoc. Aust. Inc. members only.
The Club is required to maintain a register of endorsed Impromptu Events/Runs for the relevant authorities.